Academic Projects

Generalized Dynamic Traffic Signal Control using Deep Reinforcement Learning

(M.Tech Thesis)

Created a policy structure by network sharing for different topological road structures to reduce training time and get signal phases for large maps. This was achieved using multi-headed attention for co-operation amongst the traffic intersections and deep Q network for selecting an action for traffic signals.

Comparative Analysis of LSTM and its variants on Part-of-Speech Tagging problem

POS Tagger was implemented using LSTM and its variants and comparative analysis was performed to determine which variant works best for the problem.

Image segmentation using K-Means,Fuzzy C-means and Mean Shift Algorithm

Various techniques for image segmentation were compared with each other using the ground truth.

Real time object detection, recognition and estimation of the price of the object

A real-time system that takes frames from a web camera and detects and recognizes objects, for which the machine is trained, within the frame. The system predicts price range for the identified object and also provides purchase links for the identified object using vendor API.

Secure Intranet Mailing System

A web-based UI that allows users to create an account, send and receive emails with attachments, and also manage emails. The system was subjected to several attacks such as Brute Force attack, SQL injection, eavesdropping, etc. and we tried to provide security from those attacks

Photo Sharing System

Poster is a photo-sharing application that lets the user create an account and share photos. An interactive front end using Eclipse(Java) was created and MySQL was used for the database. Users can like and report the photo and the system is moderated by admins.